DiscoverThe Glenn Beck ProgramWhy Are We Treating Illegal Immigrants Better Than America's Struggling Veterans? | Guests: Bret Weinstein & Carol Roth | 9/19/24
Why Are We Treating Illegal Immigrants Better Than America's Struggling Veterans? | Guests: Bret Weinstein & Carol Roth | 9/19/24

Why Are We Treating Illegal Immigrants Better Than America's Struggling Veterans? | Guests: Bret Weinstein & Carol Roth | 9/19/24

Update: 2024-09-192


This podcast delves into a range of pressing issues facing America, starting with the importance of supporting American manufacturing and the disturbing trend of Americans believing a sitting president's assassination would be beneficial. The speaker then examines the intelligence community's allegations of Iranian hacking and its potential implications for war, followed by a discussion of Israel's counter-intelligence operation against Hezbollah. The podcast further explores the crisis faced by American veterans, highlighting the government's prioritization of illegal immigrants over veterans in terms of housing and healthcare. The Fed's interest rate cut and its potential implications for the economy are also analyzed, with concerns about a K-shaped recovery and potential inflation. The podcast then focuses on the experiences of veterans under the Biden administration, including job losses, lack of access to essential services, and corruption within the VA. The segment transitions to the upcoming election, discussing election predictions, voter enthusiasm, and the rise of cults in politics. The podcast concludes with a call to action for voters to get involved in the election and ensure everyone in their community votes.


American Manufacturing and Values

The speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting American manufacturing by purchasing products made in America, specifically highlighting American Giant clothing. They argue that buying American products is a vote for American workers, quality, and the future of American manufacturing. They also discuss a disturbing poll revealing that a significant percentage of Americans believe the country would be better off if a sitting president had been assassinated, arguing that this reflects a dangerous erosion of American values, particularly the belief in peaceful power transfers and the sanctity of human life.

Intelligence Allegations and Potential for War

The speaker discusses the intelligence community's claim that Iran hacked into the Trump campaign and shared information with the Biden-Harris team. They express skepticism about the intelligence community's motives and suggest that the allegations could be a pretext for war. They also discuss a remarkable intelligence operation in which Israel allegedly disabled Hezbollah's communication system by replacing their beepers with modified devices that exploded, highlighting the sophistication and effectiveness of this operation.

Veterans' Crisis and Misallocation of Resources

The speaker expresses outrage at the government's prioritization of illegal immigrants over American veterans, particularly in terms of housing and healthcare. They highlight the hypocrisy of providing resources to illegal immigrants while veterans struggle on the streets. They also discuss the Fed's decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points, a move that has only been taken in times of economic crisis, expressing concern about the potential implications of this move and seeking insights from financial expert Carol Roth.

Veterans' Experiences and Biden's Policies

The segment begins with a veteran expressing concerns about the treatment of veterans under the Biden administration. They claim that veterans are being pushed out of shelters and losing access to essential services like hot meals and social security benefits, while illegal immigrants are receiving preferential treatment. Another veteran shares their experience of losing their job in the oil and gas industry after Biden shut down the oil line, highlighting the difficulty in finding new employment and the challenges they face with unemployment benefits. A veteran who works at the VA reveals the widespread corruption within the organization, claiming that veterans are not a priority and that funds are being misappropriated to benefit illegal immigrants.

Sleep Aid Advertisement

This segment is an advertisement for Z Factor, a sleep aid product from the makers of Relief Factor. It highlights the product's natural ingredients and its ability to help people fall asleep faster and sleep through the night.

The State of America and the Upcoming Election

Glenn Beck expresses his concerns about the state of America and the upcoming election. He believes that the Constitution is hanging by a thread and that this election is critical for its survival. He urges listeners to vote and not sit out this election.

Election Predictions and Analysis

The segment delves into election predictions and analysis. They introduce the \"Pulse Cast\" project, which aims to provide a consensus view of various election metrics and models. They present the current odds of Donald Trump winning the election, which are currently unfavorable.

Analyzing Election Fundamentals and Enthusiasm

The discussion focuses on the fundamentals of the election and the role of enthusiasm in determining the outcome. They analyze the current state of the race and discuss the potential impact of voter enthusiasm on the results.

A Call to Action for Voters

Glenn Beck emphasizes the importance of voting and urges listeners to get involved in the election. He encourages them to vote for principles, not parties or personalities, and to ensure that everyone in their community goes out and votes.

01:59:29 Advertisement

This segment is an advertisement for, a company that offers a wide range of window coverings. It highlights the convenience of shopping online, the upfront pricing, and the satisfaction guarantee.

Veterans' Experiences with VA Healthcare

A veteran calls in to share their experience with VA healthcare. They express frustration with the long wait times for appointments and the lack of access to outside clinics for care.

The Importance of Voting and the Cult of Politics

Glenn Beck expresses his disappointment with the lack of outrage over Kamala Harris's statement about there being no US troops in conflict zones. He believes that the election is close due to the rise of cults in politics and encourages listeners to learn how to talk to people who are caught in these cults.


American Giant

American Giant is a clothing company that manufactures its products entirely in the United States, emphasizing American-made quality and supporting American workers.

Peaceful Power Transfer

A fundamental principle of democracy, ensuring that leadership changes occur through elections and not violence.

Veterans' Healthcare

The provision of medical care and support services to veterans, often through government-funded programs like the VA.

Illegal Immigration

The act of entering a country without proper documentation or authorization, often leading to legal and social challenges.

Election Predictions

Forecasts and analyses of the likely outcome of an election, based on various factors such as polling data, historical trends, and economic indicators.

Voter Enthusiasm

The level of passion and motivation among voters to participate in an election, often influenced by factors such as candidate popularity, policy positions, and perceived importance of the election.

Cult of Politics

A phenomenon where political groups or movements exhibit characteristics of cults, such as unquestioning loyalty to a leader, belief in conspiracy theories, and hostility towards dissent.


  • What is the speaker's main concern about the poll revealing that a significant percentage of Americans believe the country would be better off if a sitting president had been assassinated?

    The speaker is concerned that this poll reflects a dangerous erosion of American values, particularly the belief in peaceful power transfers and the sanctity of human life. They fear that this sentiment could lead to increased violence and instability in the country.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the intelligence community's claim that Iran hacked into the Trump campaign and shared information with the Biden-Harris team?

    The speaker expresses skepticism about the intelligence community's motives and suggests that the allegations could be a pretext for war. They believe that the intelligence community may be using this claim to justify military action against Iran.

  • What is the speaker's main argument against the government's prioritization of illegal immigrants over American veterans?

    The speaker argues that it is morally wrong and hypocritical to provide resources like housing and healthcare to illegal immigrants while veterans who have fought for the country struggle on the streets. They believe that the government should prioritize the needs of those who have served the nation.

  • What are the potential implications of the Fed's decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points?

    The speaker is concerned that this move could signal a weakening economy and potentially lead to inflation. They also worry that it could be a politically motivated attempt to boost the economy before the election.

  • What are some of the concerns that veterans are expressing about the Biden administration?

    Veterans are concerned about being pushed out of shelters, losing access to essential services like hot meals and social security benefits, and being denied access to outside clinics for healthcare. They feel that illegal immigrants are receiving preferential treatment over veterans.

  • How has Biden's policy on the oil line impacted veterans?

    One veteran shared their experience of losing their job in the oil and gas industry after Biden shut down the oil line. They have been unemployed for five months and are struggling to find new employment, facing challenges with unemployment benefits.

  • What are some of the signs of a cult in politics?

    Glenn Beck suggests that the current political climate exhibits characteristics of cults, such as unquestioning loyalty to a leader, belief in conspiracy theories, and hostility towards dissent. He encourages listeners to learn how to talk to people who are caught in these cults.

  • What is the \"Pulse Cast\" project and what information does it provide?

    The \"Pulse Cast\" project aims to provide a consensus view of various election metrics and models. It compiles data from different sources, including pollsters, election modelers, and polling average creators, to give a sense of the overall state of the race.

  • What are the current odds of Donald Trump winning the election?

    According to the \"Pulse Cast\" project, the current odds of Donald Trump winning the election are 44.3%, while Kamala Harris has a 55.7% chance of winning.

Show Notes

Glenn examines the past conflict between parties in America's history and why it feels more divided today. Violence begins to look like a solution when each side views the other as a threat. Evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein joins to discuss President Trump's potential to go down in history as the "re-founder of the country." Glenn's chief researcher and head writer, Jason Buttrill, joins Glenn and Stu to discuss Jerome Powell blaming the immigration crisis for the rising unemployment rate. The guys also discuss the Israeli beeper/walkie-talkie operation that left thousands of Hezbollah operatives injured. Why are illegal immigrants getting better benefits than our own homeless veterans? Former investment banker Carol Roth joins to discuss the Federal Reserve lowering the interest rates for the first time since 2020. Glenn takes calls from veterans to discuss their feelings on the handouts being given to illegal immigrants. Stu breaks down the latest polling numbers for Trump and Harris. 


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Why Are We Treating Illegal Immigrants Better Than America's Struggling Veterans? | Guests: Bret Weinstein & Carol Roth | 9/19/24

Why Are We Treating Illegal Immigrants Better Than America's Struggling Veterans? | Guests: Bret Weinstein & Carol Roth | 9/19/24

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